Oversized tote bags and handbags are set to be a huge trend in 2023.

Whether you’re looking for a simple and classic style or a bold and eye-catching piece, there’s something out there for everyone. There are many different shapes, sizes, and materials available, allowing you to find the perfect bag for your look. From structured leather bags to oversized canvas totes, oversized bags are perfect for carrying all your essentials and more. They can easily transition from day to night, allowing you to take them from the office to a night out with friends. Plus, they’re comfortable to wear, so you won’t have to worry about carrying around a heavy bag all day. There are also many options when it comes to detailing. You can choose bags with tassels, embroidery, and other embellishments. This allows you to express your style and add a touch of personality to any outfit. Oversized bags and handbags are a great way to elevate your look and make a statement. So get ready for 2023 and start shopping for the perfect bag today!  Stop by our shops at The Raleigh Market and the Painted TreeClick on the link for Contact Us to get our Virtual Card for more details.